Infinium Labs Soliciting?

I received an email today from Infinium Labs. It seems to be some sort of fact sheet designed to peak my interests to invest in the company. That’s what I have to guess because it is very vague and seems designed to show that it is looking to get listed on the Stock Exchange. They have had a very tainted past with background information about the founding president and lack of a working model for some time. They have also thrown lawsuits against individuals making any claims against their product, company and founder. The main sites that has really been holding a candle to this issue is [H]ardOCP as well as Where is Phantom. Below are some links to articles they have published as well as a copy of the fact sheet I received in my email this morning.

Here are the articles from [H]ardOCP:

Behind the Infinium Phantom Console Infinium Labs Vs. HardOCP – Round 2

Here is a copy of the email I recieved:


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