phpBB taken down!

Well it seems a hacker group has taken it upon themselves to take down phpBB is a popular open source forum software. Not to long ago there was a worm going around targeting this popular software using Google to find vulnerable systems. The worm utilized a flaw in PHP to gain access to systems and deface them. In this case it was a flaw in awstats that was used to deface the site. phpBB has taken the forums down and replaced it with a splash screen explaining what had transpired. It seems as if they could be down for almost a week since they are having the actual server shipped from their data farm to their location for further investigation as to the extend of the compromise.

One Reply to “phpBB taken down!”

  1. Hi guys,
    My computer worked not correctly, many mistakes and buggs. Help me, please to fix buggs on my computer.
    I used Windows 2003.

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