I am in a love hate relationship with Socom right now. I love the gameplay but I absolutely hate all the server problems they are having. Everyone’s consoles are locking up intermittently, people are being dropped out of rooms. My biggest gripe would have to be how hard it is to hook up with your friends online playing Socom. The online portion of the Playstation 3 has always been the biggest thing lacking. You get what you pay for, nothing I guess since it’s free.
I wish they would just cave in already and put together an online experience comparable to Xbox 360 and charge for it if they have to. Then they would have a very well rounded gaming system, until then they will always be plaing second fiddle to the 360.
That’s just my opinion I could be wrong, not!
Socom Rocks!
I started playing Socom: U.S. Navy Seals Confrontation a couple of days ago. I have to tell you this is the first title I have really enjoyed playing on the PS3. I was pretty bent out of shape with my PlayStation 3 just sitting there collecting dust ever since I purchased it at launch. I would play a game here and there but never really enjoyed the games, game play or the funky controller. I even prefer this over Call of Duty 4 my all time favorite title on the Xbox 360.
Time For A Change
Well the fall is here and I decided to make several changes to this site and my office. Firstly, I am positioning myself away from using my pc-doc.com domain. I really don’t do much on PCs any more other than for work. The majority of everything I do, I do on Macs and Macs only. the PC-Doc name just doesn’t fit me any more. So I will be moving my site and emails to my TechUnplugged.com domain. While I am making this major move, I will be redesigning the site as well. Secondly, I just finished redesigning my computer room. I needed a change badly, so I redesigned my computer room with lighter colors and less clutter. As you can see in the photo the redesign opens the room up a lot. I also got hooked on Japaneses anime figures, as you can see them plastered all over the wall and my desk.
You can view a Flickr sideshow of the redesign: http://www.flickr.com/photos/pc-doc/sets/72157607814525967/show/