I recently ordered a Pantech UML290 from Verizon to test out their LTE service. I was skeptical to say the least about speeds being reported from other users. I live just north of New York City and I achieved downloads speeds up to 25Mbps and upload speeds up to 8Mbps via Speedtest.net. I have had data service with AT&T for several years. With the speeds I am getting with Verizon’s LTE service, I canceled my data service with AT&T. I am still holding out for a LTE Hotspot device, I will replace my Pantech device once that arrives. For now enjoy the screencast of my initial speed tests.
Twitter & WordPress Integration
With the new updates to Twitter, I had to update Twitter Tools. It requires registration of your app on Twitter’s website. Once you do this a set of tokens are created which you paste into the Twitter Tools plug-in.
I just recently purchased the Padster for my iPad, it is replacing a bag I just bought from Booq. The Padster is bag specifically designed for an iPad. Let me start by saying I utterly love my Booq bags, I own three of them for my 17″ Macbook Pro. The problem I had with my Booq Taipan Shadow XS is that it is way too small in every aspect. The compartment that holds the iPad is too restrictive, you can only really use it with a naked iPad (no case). We all know how slippery a naked iPad is, your just asking to drop it. With the iPad in, there is little space for anything else. It is a really tight bag with a shoulder strap that is way to short. It is so short you can only put the strap on your shoulder, you can forget about slinging it over your neck. I already have my RMA and it is going back to Booq.
Continue reading “Padster”
Site Overhaul
I have not been pleased with the recent site redesign and have decided to do a complete overhaul of the site. The redesign will happen over this Memorial day weekend starting today. The site will be available throughout this undertaking, however at times the layout will be off somewhat. Please bear with us during this process and we will try to make this as quick and painless as possible for you, our followers.
Thank You
Please forgive my prolonged absence. Just before Christmas I left for California to visit my family and relax with my wife afterwards in Santa Monica. I did not get back until after the New Year and then I ran into health issues with one of our cats. He was diagnosed with diabetes and we are now giving him 2 shots daily. Work has been very taxing over the past several months as well. I am now getting back to my normal grove and will begin updating the site shortly. I am working on the next installment on the firewall tutorials, expect one within the next couple of weeks.
Once again sorry for my long hiatus.
Vibram Five Fingers
Well, I pulled the trigger today. I found a store in the city that carries Vibram Five Finger shoes. I was unsure if I should order them online because I have big feet (size 14.5) and their sizing is unconventional. I believe the sizing is based on the european metric system. My right foot is a little smaller so I bought two different sizes for a better fit. They fit very well and I kept them on since I left the store so I can get used to them. My feet are feeling some what tired and sore. I was expecting that after doing a vast amount of research on them before the purchase. Basically when you start running around barefoot which is what you are basically doing, you are using a lot of muscles that you haven’t used in a long time. I will give them a couple of days of use before I chime in with my verdict. When I do give my verdict it will be via an update on this post.
Site Redesign
Over the weekend I did a quick redesign of the site. I gave it a cleaner look, consolidated the main categories and added subcategories to make navigation of the site a little easier and quicker. There are still some little tweaks here and there that I have to complete but the main framework of the design will remain. I am pretty happy with my decision to move to GatorHost they have been pretty solid for the little time I have been with them thus far. Their control panel is much better than what 1and1 offered and their support is top notch. If you have any thoughts or suggestions on the redesign please leave a comment.
Switched Web Hosts
Over the weekend I moved my websites away from 1AND1 to HostGator. Recently I was having to many issues with 1AND1, primarily with my sites taking to long to be served. I have to say I always hated calling into 1AND1 tech support because it was obvious you were talking to someone that didn’t have a clue. I was pleasantly surprised when I had problems porting this site over and freighting having to speak to HostGator’s technical support and getting some pretty knowledgeable people. On three occasions speaking with different individuals, I found that they really had their act together and knew what they were doing and were quite versed with WordPress and mySQL.
Cab From Hell
My wife and I had an incredible evening out on the town only to have it blown by an #^$%&!@ of a taxi driver. We got in a taxi after the opera at Lincoln Center. When we got in we noticed that there was a clip of Jimmy Fallon’s show playing so we turned it up to hear it. Well that’s when the evening went bad and fast. The driver decided to turn up his “SPANISH” radio station and complained he could hear the screen in the back. Needless to say his radio used every damn speaker in the van. I informed him the reason the screen in the back of the van was for the passengers and that I did not want to hear his radio. I turned off our screen and told him to do the same. He then informed me “this is America and this is what happening right now and I should learn spanish”. This is America and I should learn spanish? I had to scream at him that I was the passenger and I wanted the radio off now. After complying he decided to race his cab down Park Avenue at 50 miles an hour while it was pouring ran. Luckily enough we got to Grand Central safe and sound. I am getting in touch with the Taxi & Limousine Commission to complain about my cab ride from hell….

Some Guys Have All The Luck
I went out tonight to an Irish Pub in Yonkers called ‘Rory Dolan’s’. I went with Lara to meet up with people that went to Cardinal Spellman High School. As we were sitting there reminiscing about the gold old times, several emails started popping up on my Blackberry. It was from a friend of mine who has been fortunate enough to attend the last couple of Superbowls. He just sent these photos in to me, they are of Bruce Springstein practicing for the half time show. Some people just have all the luck or in other words just really suck (depends on how you look at it). LOL