I'll have an IPOD & Donut to go please!

You heard me right I’d like a donut to go with my Ipod. There is a new product called a donut to go with Apple’s various Ipods. It is basically a sticker that you place over your scroll wheel and protects it from scratches. The stickers come in different designs and even glow in the dark. Below is a link to the product, enjoy.


Hey hackers phish this!

Looks like AOL is moving in the right direction when it comes to security. I don’t know how many of my clients have had their AOL passwords phished in the past. Well AOL is starting an optional service it seems in which it would give customers that opt in, a RSA token. The RSA token is what corporations use to allow users to log into their corporate networks remotely. The item has a sequence of numbers that changes every several seconds. In order to login the end user must type in their password and the number sequence that is displayed on the token.

Below is a link to the GoUpstate.com article on the matter:


City wide Wifi – A geeks dream come reality

How cool would it be to open your laptop anywhere you are and be able to get online wirelessly, that would be a dream come true. We’ll that dream will come true for people in Philadelphia. Seems like the city is going to build one huge wireless mesh network that will cover 135 square miles.

You can read more about the InfoWorld article below:


Censored at Yoshi’s Forums!!


I don’t mean to be a pain and usually refrain from negative posts about the screensavers. However could you tell your producers to start laying off of the 50 million homes line. It’s great that your channel is available in 50 million homes but you don’t have 50 million viewers as your plug is trying to make people think. If you’re producers/G4 keep up with the lame tech segments and bunny suit skits your new logo will be:


“Were available in 50 million homes, but have only 30 viewers”. And the 30 are family members of the cast and crew.

Sorry to be harsh. But the show has definitely taken a turn from a serious show to a “Laugh In!” episode. There’s an idea put up a wall with small doors and have people stick their heads out with lame tech jokes.

Please don’t I was being sarcastic.


IRC style bots on AOL?

It seems that AOL is developing bots for it’s instant messaging service. Similar to bots that have been used on IRC for years, AOL will and vendors will design bots. The user can add the bot to the buddy list. The user than sends a message to the bot and receives information pertinent information back from the bot.

Follow the link below for the InfoWorld article.
