Another IE 7 pop-up security flaw discovered | CNET

Another flaw found in the newly released Microsoft Internet Explorer 7. Don’t you just love how the general public has unwittingly become beta testers. I guess you really can’t blame them that much, there is always going to be some type of security hole in any application designed, nothing is 100% secure. I’d love to run into one of these idiots that design the malicious code, I had have a few.. Let me not get into that, it might come back to haunt me durng my murder trial. LOL

Security researchers on Monday warned of a vulnerability in Internet Explorer 7 that could allow malicious attackers to alter content in a legitimate Web site’s pop-up window. The browser flaw could affect users who visit a trusted site by opening a pop-up window in that site but containing malicious code. This is the second IE 7 flaw that has been discovered since Microsoft released the browser two weeks ago. Last week, a security flaw was discovered in IE 7 that could spoof the address of a pop-up window.

Read More @CNET


Got PlayStation 3?

One thing I learned well last new console role out was that I would never wait in line for 20hrs again. Yeah that’s right I stood in line for 20 cold rainy hours to snag a new Xbox360 when it was released. While it made for an interesting evening and wild story, I swore to myself that I would never go through that again. My brother on the other hand living in Venice Beach, California was smart enough to be chummy with his local GameStop manager and pre-order his when it was first available. So as he laughed via his cell phone at me while he was walking to pickup his unit in leisure during the midnight store opening I was getting drenched. This time around I made my way to my local GameStop to pre-order knowing of the impending shortages this season for the Playstation3 and the Wii. To my amazement both times I got there 2 hours before opening and was number 2 in line for the Playstation3 and number 10 for the Wii. It was my luck that both these days were normal school/business days so the majority of people could not participate in the pre-order mania. God, I love being self employed! I guess after the PS3s started selling on EBay for $2000 and Sony started sidestepping it’s early comments on the number of units available by year’s end that everyone realized that they better do what they could to grab a their guaranteed units before they would have to do the overnight campout or worse yet several day campout. I will be at the great campout marathon if only for a mere couple of minutes so I can snap pictures of the insanity. My heart goes out to those poor souls that think they have a chance come November 17th if they don’t have a pre-order.

WordPress 2.0.5 – Ronan

For all of you that are running WordPress, go visit their site and download the latest version of the software.

It’s new release time. The latest in our venerable 2.0 series, which now counts over 1.2 million downloads, is available for download immediately, and we suggest everyone upgrade as this includes security fixes. We’re breaking the tradition of naming releases after jazz musicians to congratulate Ryan Boren on his new son (and first WP baby) Ronan.

Read More @ Development Blog


Cool Mobile Phone Security

Now why is it that Japan gets all the cool should have technology that we should have here? This is a definite needed technology needed in the States.

TOKYO – A new mobile phone in Japan takes security pretty seriously: It can recognize its owner, automatically locks when the person gets too far away from it and can be found via satellite navigation if it goes missing.

Read Full Story @ Yahoo! News.


Splinter Cell: Double Agent

Personally, I am an in your face first person shooter kind of guy. I tried playing Splinter Cell a long time ago on the Xbox and was really thrown off by all the in the shadows game play. Sneak there and sneak here, kill that guy but don’t make a sound. It really wasn’t my cup of tea. I love to run and gun and amass a large body count. Luckily this time around with Splinter Cell: Double Agent the Xbox Live multiplayer sold me on the game and forced me to give the stealth solo missions a try in order to better myself online. I was oddly surprised to find that that after the first couple of missions I was sucked in and losing track of time. Calling my brother and friends alike asking how to get past a certain situation I found myself in, hoping that they had transverse that situation already. If you have a 360, you must try this game. It is by far one of the best titles available on the platform.

Visit the offical Splinter Cell: Double Agent site for more information, enjoy!

Read the review on Gamespot.

Pour It In Honey

Well I just got back from my doctor’s visit and it seems I just can’t win. Deep inside my belly button is a wound that hasn’t closed. So now my wife has to pour Hydrogen Peroxide into my belly button and clean it out with Q-Tips twice a day. This will go on for a couple of weeks until he heals and closes up. Im telling you I just can’t get a head of the game, by the way did I mention I got rear ended yesterday.


You Got To Be Kidding!

Looks like I will be paying a visit to the surgeon that performed my operation. I had this funky feeling before like I was overly bloated and then a little later I realized that my belly button burst again. It is not as bad as it was before, no blood but there is that smelly crud. Just my luck!

Back From The Hospital

I went in for surgery on Thursday Sept 7th at White Plains Hospital for a Urichal Cyst. It is really rare especially at my age. Basically when you are born the opening between the umbilical cord and the bladder closes, in my case it didn’t close properly. This caused the bladder to leak into my umbilical cord. This discharge built up until it burst through my belly button. They operated on my bladder robotically and removed the upper portion that attaches to the umbilical cord and sealed the bladder. The fun part during the surgery is that they literally had to inflate me with CO2. It doesn’t just disappear when the surgery is over, it lingers around for a while and the body has to expel it naturally. I was hospitalized till Sunday afternoon at which point I sprinted out of there to take care of my Internet fix. My overall experience at the hospital was quite not what I expected. The facilities were top notch, the nurses were very friendly and compassionate and the food was actually not bad. You heard me right the food was pretty decent. You would call the the cafeteria with a menu and order what you wanted to eat and at what time. That’s about it, I am sitting at home right now taking some painkillers and waiting for Friday to come along so the doctor can remove the Foley catheter which is draining into a bag attached to my leg. Yeah it sounds pretty disgusting but its not that bad.

Microsoft Live Writer

I am writing this entry via Microsoft’s new Blog editor called Live Writer. Live Writer is currently in Beta and has been designed to post entries into it’s Live Spaces. The application however also allows posting in to various other services and APIs. From all the external editor’s have used in the past this is the first one that actually works well with what I use for my own sites. The software I use for my servers is Expression Engine developed by pmachine. The other nice caveat I have found with this software is that it makes it easy for me to post the same entry into several sites easily. To read more about the application and download it for yourself please follow the link below.

Cuban Night

Last weekend my wife and I went into the city to do some shopping. I had been fiending for some Mojitos lately so I decided to find a Cuban restaurant in the city. After doing some searching online I found a promising location. The restaurant I found was called Havana and it is located in the heart of ‘The Village’. The Village happens to be one of my favorite places to hang out during the summer evenings. I have to say it was one of the best restaurants I have been to in a while. The menu was great and fairly inexpensive. The food and mojitos were out of this world and they had a live band to boot. I had an appetizer from their menu which was shredded pork empanadas with a spicy jelly sauce that you could put on the empanadas, it was simply amazing. I left their telling my wife that I could sit there all night long listening to the music while they just kept bringing me an endless supply of mojitos and those tasty empanadas.
Matter of fact I am sitting here right now sipping a mojitos as I post this and making a batch of empanadas myself. I can only hope that my batch is half as good as what I had at Havana.
The following is a link to the restaurants website: